AY Karsh
February 21, 2021Chanuka 2020
March 1, 2021Dov Smith
2003-2006 smithd613@gmail.com
Tell us a bit about yourself. (E.G. job, family, hobby, where you live)
Boruch Hashem I have been married for over 13 years with three gorgeous kids here in London. For those who remember me in Yeshiva, they’ll know I enjoyed making the yeshiva sweatshirts and Purim shpiels, and believe it or not, this is now my parnosa! I am a freelance videographer and graphic designer running my own business, with the highlight so far being the creative lead for the UK Siyum HaShas.
What is one of your favorite memories, Shiurim, Rebbeim, or events while attending Bais?
I think for me, the standout memory of Yeshivas Bais Yisroel has always been the incredible Rebbeim and the wonderful chevra.
Every Rebbe offers something different and it is impossible to not gain something unique from each one. I was zoche, to have Rabbi Haller in my first year who really introduced us to the world of lomdus, learning to think and ‘bavorn’ the kashya. (In fact, I distinctly remember him saying when us Brits were first settling in and adapting to a fast-paced learning schedule, “It’s not that I talk too quickly, it’s that you think too slowly!”). I then had Rabbi Ruvel in the second year who not only provided a real eye-opener into Iyun but also got us all to prepare and deliver a chaburah which was both immensely rewarding and petrifying in equal measure! In my third year I had Rav Moshe who not only wove together phenomenal shiurim but also took the time to provide a great deal of advice and direction when I was preparing to leave at the end of my third year. These are just three of many incredibly accomplished Rebbeim, all of whom give Bais that warm and special atmosphere.
The other side of course are the friends that one makes. The people I met, are friends that I made for life. From learning together to just enjoying the downtime, Bais will forever be a time of fond memories – some that can be repeated and others…well…are better left unsaid!
How has your time at Bais influenced or helped you in your life?
There is no doubt in my mind that Bais imbued me with firm yesodos in my learning. I came in as a Hasmo boy who couldn’t really learn through a daf gemoro, and left with a much greater level of proficiency. The primacy of Torah learning that I gleaned has ensured that being koveiah ittim remains a priority, even when my work schedule is pretty crazy.
The hashkofos and mehalchim that I both learnt and experienced have definitely helped frame my worldview and is something that I hope to instil amongst my kids.
What advice would you give a fellow Bais Alumni?
Try and keep in touch! Life is hectic – we all Boruch Hashem have families and work etc. but the memories of Yeshiva life will always remain as a time of great fun both b’ruchnias and b’gashmius (who remembers the pizza place across the road!). I’d love to hear from you all – smithd613@gmail.com.